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Publication date: 5th June, 2012

Body Back. The mother's handbook to medical, physical and emotional well-being. By Heather Porter

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About Heather

Mother of four, Heather Porter shares her hands-on experience of getting your old self back. With her team of experts, she provides an understanding approach and addresses all the issues you wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.


Round Body Brush, The Body Shop (2/5)

Dry brushing is important to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin. It also helps lymph drainage and is good for the circulation.  I am always looking out for a good cactus brush to do the job.  This round body brush has bristles just slightly too long and bendy.

Also the round handle is like a door knob on top for the brush and I found fiddly to use, it slips inside the palm and fingers which make it difficult to use effectively all over the body. I couldn’t find note of what the bristles were made of either.


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