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Publication date: 5th June, 2012

Body Back. The mother's handbook to medical, physical and emotional well-being. By Heather Porter

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About Heather

Mother of four, Heather Porter shares her hands-on experience of getting your old self back. With her team of experts, she provides an understanding approach and addresses all the issues you wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.


Tummy and waist back

Your tummy is obviously invovled in the biggest change during pregnancy. Your uterus has to expand to make room for the baby. This becomes heavier and your abdomen expands in partnership. So, what happens after child birth? The extra stomach skin does not automatically shrink back into place; instead, it flops over the expanded underlying muscle, leaving you with a wobbly potbelly instead of that flat and toned tummy of old.

… While today's supermodels can boast waists that average no more than 24 inches, most of us are a little larger! The waists of Hollywood's goddesses were envied by all. Judy Garland had a waist measurement of approximately 22 inches when she made The Wizard of Oz but that was before she had children. Marilyn Monroe's waist was 22 inches according to her dressmaker, but sceptics suggest it was nearer 25.

I conducted a mini-survey and asked several men which part of their partner's body they would most like to go back to normal. The most common response initially was 'libido!' I repeatedly explained that this isn't actually part of the female figure.... on further thought the most popular answer was the waist.


Hula the waist

The more you can slip exercise into 'fun time' the more you are likely to do it. Try and share your activities with the children; they benefit from spending this time with you and they exercise too. Hula hooping is a great way to work your waist, have a go in the garden with the children. Be careful with your tummy after having had a caesarean, as twisting can pull on your stitches. I still sometimes felt a slight pull two years on. If you feel any pulling, stop.

'Do not think of your tummy as the enemy. Instead, worship your stomach; think of what it has done for you, how it expanded and protected your little one.'
Heather Porter

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